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Future possibilities / TODO List:

Add more scriptsThere can never be too many useful scripts.
Add Search Group cache loading and saving.The QUICKopen service currently does not load and save the files it has indexed when the application is started and terminated. This means that no files will be available before the first Search Group update has been completed. Saving and loading an old cache would make files immediately available, but may not be entirely correct. The cache would, however, be updated after the initial delay, so it shouldn't be an issue.
Separate service and GUI?Since the service currently also contains the GUI, it needs to be started after it has an X11 server to connect to. Would be nice to have them separate, so that it can started, and have non-GUI clients doing requests. However, currently we do selections etc through the views, and not through the models.
Add Eclipse, X-Code addinsThey need a way to QUICKopen files too! :-)
Add mimetype client!Lets the user open any file with the application specific to its Mimetype.
Add plugin supportMaking the QUICKopen service extendible could make it even more usefull, as we could add support for all types of model, such as for example Source Code models.
Add QUICKopen for C/C++Through the above mentioned plugin system, we should add a Source Code model for C/C++, so that clients can quickly navigate to code symbols with the QUICKopen service.
Add File System (FS) monitoringAt the moment QUICKopen updates the all the files every time it updates a group. This is also why there is an update interval for each group. Ideally there should not have to be any such interval, as the QUICKopen service should monitor the FS for file changes, and update the respective groups on-the-fly.
Unify Search Group file treesTo save memory and make updates easier, we should unify the file trees, so that Search Groups share the files, instead of having separate nodes for the same files.