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Frequently Asked Questions
Q:QUICKopen flickers when I use it!!
A:If you're compiling QUICKopen yourself, and you're using Qt 4.1.x, this may happen. (The binaries should have the issue fixed) This is due to that we use Batched mode in the QListView which is in the view most people use (The Ctrl+1 view). The thing is that when in Batched mode, the widget shows up as empty initially, and then it's populated with 100 items at a time in a zero-timer. Well, there's a way to rectify the issue, but you'll have to patch Qt's QListView to update the first 100 entries right away, and batch the rest. The patch is here
Q:Starting the QUICKopen service when I log in makes my login time much longer!
A:This is probably because you've set the "Initial update delay" of the Data Gather Thread to 0 minutes; which means that QUICKopen will start updating the search groups as soon as the service is started. If you have a long login time, you should increase the initial delay until you can log in completly before the QUICKopen service starts the search group updates. (See the Data Gather Thread settings)
Q:There's no client for my application, how can I integrate the QUICKopen service?
A:You can either use the basic client quickask to get results from the QUICKopen service, or you can implement a client from scratch designed specifically for your application. The QUICKopen service has a network interface to communicat with the clients, and the protocol is very simple. The emacs client implements a client from scratch by simply sending network commands to the service, and interpreting the returned result.
Q:There are no files available in any of my Search Groups!
A:Have you defined any Search Groups yet?
A:You might have configured QUICKopen to wait for a certain amount of time before starting to index your files. Maybe this initial delay is too long? (See the Data Gather Thread settings)
A:The initial indexing has not yet completed. Maybe there's an infinite recursion in your directory structure? If so, try updating your directory accepting/rejection rules to avoid picking up the recursing directory.
Q:When I trigger QUICKopen, it shows up, but doesn't get focus; or focus is given to the service, but given back to the application/console after a brief period.
A:This may happen (at least on Windows) when the service is not finished indexing for the first time. Wait til the indexing has completed and try again. If it's still a problem, please send us a mail, indicating which OS, Window manager, QUICKopen version, and a detailed description of how to reproduce your problem.