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About QUICKopen

QUICKopen is a service/utility for quickly finding files on your hard drive, and open them in your favorite editor, or for performing any other task on them. You can even us it as a way to quickly change your current directory.

QUICKopen is written in Qt, a cross-platform toolkit, so you can use it on Windows, Unix and Mac. It has integrations for all versions of Visual Studio, VIM and (X)Emacs, and has scripts for Perforce to quickly check out a file from the depot, and open it in your favorite editor.

"But why? There are so many tools like this already!", you say? Well, contrary to most other file searching utilities, which tries to show you as many matches as possible, QUICKopen is designed to minimize the amount of hits when your searching. The files are organized in search groups, and path hints sent to the search utility by the integrations, or console scripts, assists QUICKopen in selecting the most appropriate search group. This way, you'll only see files relevant to your current project, or locations. Of course, should you be looking for files in an other search group than the one currently select, it's very easy to change the group.

Also again, QUICKopen works on all platforms, and have integrations for the most popular editors!

The above screenshot shows the full interface, with all its "whistles and bells". The screenshot below show a more trimmed down version of the user interface.